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You can be a Rockstar developer

Anyone can be a "Rockstar" developer, but there's only one way to do it. Find out how.

Jacob Orshalick

Anyone can be a "Rockstar" developer, but there's only one way to do it.

You have to stop being content with a surface level understanding of the technologies you work with. It takes a desire to learn and the hard work to perservere.

Most developers allow Google and StackOverflow to do the thinking for them. A quick search for an exception and the configuration / code block appears to magically solve their problem. I've certainly done it plenty of times. You just need a quick fix so you can move onto more important things.

  • Read the manual (RTM)
  • Read books from the experts
  • Dig into the source code
  • Experiment
  • Make changes to the source
  • Submit PRs
  • Write about it
  • Speak about it

You'll be amazed at what happens:

  • You write less code to solve the same problems
  • Your development velocity goes way up
  • Fewer defects in your code and solving them becomes easier
  • Your team members start coming to you for answers
  • You get assigned the "interesting" tasks and projects
  • Other technologies start to make more sense
  • You realize your value just went up $$$

So remember...

Most developers are content with a surface level understanding. Don't be. Your future self will thank you.

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Jacob Orshalick